The Chicago Bulls should look at these 4 veteran free agent big men

Chicago Bulls (Bruce Kluckhohn-USA TODAY Sports)
Chicago Bulls (Bruce Kluckhohn-USA TODAY Sports) /
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Chicago Bulls, Bobby Portis
Chicago Bulls (Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images) /

The Chicago Bulls could sign forward Bobby Portis

Lastly, we come to a former Bull and fan favorite, Bobby Portis. Since leaving Chicago, Portis has found a home with the Milwaukee Bucks after bouncing around a bit. Portis won a ring last year with the Bucks, and seems to love Milwaukee. He’s become a fan favorite, there, as well. And, why wouldn’t he?

Portis’ energy is rarely mirrored and, quite honestly, invigorates his teammates. He brings it every night on both ends of the floor, and the Bulls should never have dealt him in the first place. But, here we are, with a chance for Chicago to make it right.

First, Portis would have to opt-out of his final year with the Bucks. If he did so, Portis could make far more money on a long-term deal elsewhere. Maybe this brings him back to Chicago?

Like the aforementioned Harrell, Portis is the type of player that you don’t really choose to love unless he’s on your team. He’s got a bit of Joakim Noah in him. Portis approaches that brand of player such as a Patrick Beverley, but not to that extreme.

light. Must Read. Bulls: 3 trades that send LaVine to the Mavericks

Still, aside from his energy, Portis is a flat-out baller. He’s improved his three-point jumper and is an excellent passer. The scoring and all-around energy is something the Bulls could use in a big way off the bench, but they’d have to pay a hefty price for him if Portis opted out.