Chicago Blackhawks chairman Rocky Wirtz needs to be removed

CHICAGO - JUNE 11: Chicago Blackhawks owner Rocky Wirtz speaks to the crowd during the Chicago Blackhawks Stanley Cup victory parade and rally on June 11, 2010 in Chicago, Illinois. (Photo by Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images)
CHICAGO - JUNE 11: Chicago Blackhawks owner Rocky Wirtz speaks to the crowd during the Chicago Blackhawks Stanley Cup victory parade and rally on June 11, 2010 in Chicago, Illinois. (Photo by Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images) /
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Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images
Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images /

Rocky has gone from a franchise savior to a franchise pariah.

The Stanley Cup-winning days are long gone.

Rocky Wirtz has gone from being celebrated for bringing the Chicago Blackhawks back from obscurity to creating one fiasco after another.

He has become the epitome of the saying you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

Wirtz’s silence throughout the Kyle Beach lawsuit was bad enough. What he did at the town hall was inexcusable. The cover-up of Beach’s sexual assault allegations by Aldrich in 2010 all happened under Wirtz’s watch.

Wirtz can claim he was unaware of the cover-up all he wants, but he cannot ignore the valid questions being asked. At the very least, the team’s owner owed Beach and all the Blackhawks fans a response.

A little empathy would have gone a long way. Instead, Wirtz chooses to make everyone even more uncomfortable with his team.

Things may get more uncomfortable for the owner if more lawsuits are filed.

Wirtz callously stated “we are moving on” and by doing so discarded the suffering of the team’s former first-round pick.

What is more astounding about this is just a few months ago Wirtz demanded Aldirch’s name be removed from the Stanley Cup.

Now, Wirtz is refusing to take any more accountability.

Removing a name from Lord Stanley’s Cup and writing a settlement check must be what accountability looks like to Rocky Wirtz.

It does not help that Wirtz made the statement when his team is nowhere near making the playoffs and attendance is declining by the game.

Plus, Wirtz’s rant gives off the vibe of wanting this to go away. That is not exactly the perception you want to give to any potential prospects.