White Sox: Tony LaRussa already hurting chances with free agents

The Chicago White Sox may already be regretting the Tony LaRussa hire.
As if the decision by the Chicago White Sox to hire Tony LaRussa was not already under immense scrutiny, fans received news today (which now involves Marcus Stroman) that might send them into orbit. LaRussa, who already had one egregious DUI in which he passed out at a stoplight back in 2007.
Today, it was revealed that he was arrested for a second DUI in February in which he was argumentative with the arresting officer. LaRussa allegedly ran his car into a curb and returned a blood alcohol content level above the legal limit.
Despite knowing of the second DUI incident, the White Sox — and let’s be clear, specifically Jerry Reinsdorf — nevertheless proceeded with the hire.
The decision to bring LaRussa on board was already highly questioned not only across baseball but by some within the White Sox organization. He, in many respects, is an old school type manager whose style is not perceived to mesh well with the young stars on the team who are clearly more in line with the new school approach to playing baseball.
Now, it appears the decision is having a direct impact on the team’s ability to attract high profile free agents.
No amount of money honestly. Peace of mind is always priority.
— Marcus Stroman (@STR0) November 10, 2020
The Sox could clearly use some starting pitching help, and Stroman is one of the better ones on the market. He would be a tremendous addition to the starting rotation. However, that now appears to be an impossibility unless the Sox part ways with LaRussa.
Stroman responded with a “smh” and a hand over face emoji to a Keith Law tweet stating the Sox knew about the DUI before the hire. But wait, it gets worse. Stroman was specifically asked how much money it would take to play for LaRussa, and his response could not have been more definitive. “No amount of money honestly.”
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That is about as clear and unambiguous a statement as a player can make. Stroman is telling you that he prioritizes his ideals and “peace of mind” over money and that there is no amount that would make playing for LaRussa palatable. That is an incredibly damning statement and an indication of a reality the Sox must now be prepared to deal with. Stroman likely isn’t alone in feeling this way, so don’t be surprised if the hot stove fizzles out quickly this offseason for the South Siders.