Things could not get any worse for the Chicago Bulls than they have been right? Not so fast my friend.
If you are a Chicago Bulls fan, you are likely counting down the days until the team is mercifully put out of its misery. The team only has 20 games left in the regular season, and once those are over, so too will the fans’ suffering. That is if the team makes it that far.
While admittedly tongue and cheek, the team, and more accurately, the whole organization appears to be hurling towards a 10,000-foot cliff.
Following Wednesday night’s 115-108 loss to the Minnesota Timberwolves, Boylen was apparently incensed. What drew the head coach’s ire this time? Well, it was more of the same from the ole head coach — effort. Specifically, his team’s lack of it according to Boylen. He didn’t like how his team fared in the rebound battle or in fights for “50/50” balls.
On the heels of this news came word that there is significant conflict between Boylen and Doug Collins, whom Boylen has apparently banished from sitting in on his coaches meetings. Perhaps Boylen is insecure in his own abilities and not one to be open to criticism or advice.
Whatever the reason, the current situation seems to continue to devolve by the minute, and if the organization does not do something to intervene, they will cause irreparable damage to this franchise — or at least damage from which they won’t recover for a long, long time.
So naturally, Boylen’s reaction would be to ease off the gas, and take a more measured approach, right? Nope. Quite the opposite actually. Boylen appears ready to double-down on his Draconian tactics and go full-fledged drill sergeant on his team.
This ship is sinking fast, and Boylen appears to have chained himself to it and thrown away the key. Of course, the likelihood of him being able to turn things around even to the point of changing the perception around him is small. However, if he has any chance, the way to do it is certainly not to double-down on the methods that have led to him being in this position in the first place.
If nothing else, the final quarter of the season is going to be entertaining — you know — if you like watching trainwrecks.