According to one Chicago Bears insider, don’t expect big changes at the quarterback position.
The debate over the state of the quarterback position for the Chicago Bears continues to rage on over social media. Each day there are Twitter sparring matches between the “Trubisky Truthers,” and the “Trubisky Haters.” Even those who simply demand more from the quarterback position and want the team to bring in a legitimate option to both challenge Mitchell Trubisky and potentially win the starting role, are labeled “haters.”
In short, the battle rages on, and according to one Bears insider, it does not appear the latter two groups are going to get their wish. However, if you are a fan of Trubisky and still believe he can be a star quarterback in this league, then I have some good news for you. Regardless of how you feel about Trubisky, Biggs outlines what is, in my opinion, the worst-case scenario for the Bears.
On the most recent Bear Download podcast, Chicago Tribune member and Bears’ beat reporter Brad Biggs spoke about what he believes Ryan Pace will do to address the position. Biggs, who is one of the most connected Bears insiders out there had some very interesting thoughts. Now, he did not tie these comments to anything specific he heard, but because of how connected he is, anytime he renders an opinion, fans should take notice.
Biggs said he believed there were a number of fans who are of the belief that the Bears are going to “reboot” the quarterback position this offseason. However, Biggs stated he does not think that is going to happen, adding “I think they’re committed to holding on to hope that Mitch Trubisky can become and evolve and improve and rise to the level of that franchise quarterback.”
If the team isn’t going to bring in a front-line starter to challenge or supplant Mitch, how will they address the position? Biggs thinks they will look to add someone who has a lot of experience playing games, to serve in a true backup role. Because that type of scenario will not be appealing to many of the free-agent quarterbacks, Biggs thinks the Bears may need to ultimately trade for a backup quarterback.
So let me get this straight: 1.) the Bears are not going to bring in legitimate competition, 2.) they are going to risk squandering what little is left on their Super Bowl window, and 3.) they are going to use some of their very limited draft capital to acquire a quarterback to strictly serve as a backup?
That sounds like the worst possible scenario for the Bears, but also one that is very possible because — well — they’re the Bears, and nothing surprises me anymore with this franchise.