Chicago Bulls: 6 potential new owners fans should want to buy the team

Chicago White Sox (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)
Chicago White Sox (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images) /
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Chicago Bulls, Bill Murray
Chicago Bulls (Photo by Mitchell Layton/Getty Images) /

Bill Murray and Vince Vaughn

Instead of people from the music industry, how about Bill Murray buying the Chicago Bulls. He may not be as big of a Bulls fan these days as he is a Cubs and Bears fan, but you have all seen Space Jam right? He clearly supports the team and has connections through Michael Jordan.

Bill Murray would be a great owner. Could you imagine the press conferences? Throw in the likes of another Chicago celebrity sports enthusiast in Vince Vaughn and you have a solid tandem. In fact, I am shocked these two have not made a hit movie together yet.

light. Must Read. Chicago Bulls: Pippen does not mince words

Maybe instead of a hit movie, the two team up (with a group of millionaires or billionaires) and buy the team off of Jerry Reinsdorf’s hands. These two would be the best owners out of the bunch, or at least the most entertaining.

Murray can call his ex-teammate, Michael Jordan for pointers and advice. Murray might not have played much for the Toon Squad, but he did enough to help the team win. Jordan could not refuse to answer that phone call. Unless that is if he decided to sell the Charlotte Hornets and buy the Chicago Bulls instead.