The Chicago Bulls are a laughingstock of an organization. The time has come for Jerry Reinsdorf to sell the team. Although this will not happen, who would you want to see take over as the owner of the Bulls?
As reports have come out about the Chicago Bulls making changes to their front office, I thought it would be interesting and fun to dream about the idea of Jerry Reinsdorf selling the team. To make things more fun let us imagine the best possible owners who could come in and shake things up here in Chicago.
Before we begin, let me point out that this is not happening. Bulls fans are going to have to suffer through the Reinsdorf ownership for years to come. The team was valued at $2.9 billion dollars at this time last year. With how the attendance has been this season, I cannot imagine the value has gone up at all in one year.
Buying a basketball team, or any sports franchise for that matter is not inexpensive. You and I could not go out and just buy the team. Maybe we could pool all of our money together and buy the team outright. Maybe the Bulls could be a publicly-owned team by hundreds of thousands of shareholders similar to the Green Bay Packers.
Obviously, this would be the best scenario, or at least the most fun. However, since this is highly unlikely, let us look at a few people who would run the team very differently than the Reinsdorfs. The Reinsdorfs run the team like a business (like they probably should) and do little to concern themselves with spending money and winning. Fans would prefer an owner like Mark Cuban.