They don’t all have to be Rembrandts. This one certainly wasn’t for the Chicago Bears. But they count.
You can look at the Chicago Bears win on Sunday two ways, I suppose. One is that good teams win when they don’t play well, especially when they get to play a team with mittens pinned to their jackets year-round like the New York Jets. The other is that they were extremely lucky to get to play the remedial class, and they won’t get away with such a definition of “meh” on a football field again.
The truth is always in the middle. At this point, an inconsistent offensive effort is to be expected, as is the defense getting to keep their hands on the forehead of a quarterback like Sam Darnold while he futilely swings his too-short arms at them. Isn’t it cute? They didn’t even need Khalil Mack, which says more about the Jets than it does the Bears.
Even with only 16 games, you’re never going to be tip top for all of them. Coming off an emotional and frustrating loss to the New England Patriots, always a litmus test, the Bears were never going to view a date with Gang Green as anything other than a booster shot to be gotten through.
But get through it they did, and now they head to Buffalo to take on the Bills and their mafia. The potential for some pretty spectacular awards following that game is extremely high. However, that will have to wait another week. For now, though, let’s hand out some figment awards from last week’s game against the Jets.