Chicago Bears: 3 overlooked players to watch against Bengals

Chicago Bears (Photo by Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images)
Chicago Bears (Photo by Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images) /
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chicago bears john jenkins
(Photo by Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images) /

The Chicago Bears take on the Cincinnati Bengals in their second preseason game.

The Chicago Bears didn’t offer much to the fans last Thursday night as they squared off with the Baltimore Ravens in this year’s edition of the Hall of Fame Game. Starters were rested, and justifiably so. Play calling was tempered. We didn’t get a chance to see this team cruising on all cylinders, but we wouldn’t have expected anything less.

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In their second exhibition against the Cincinnati Bengals this week, the Bears will likely throw their starters out there for at least a series or two. What will be interesting is whether or not Matt Nagy will keep the offense out longer if they do not score within their first two drives.

In any event, once the starters are off the field (which will more than likely be before midway through the second quarter), we’ll get a chance to see some of the guys either fighting for a roster spot or who have been overlooked for whatever reason.

The Bears will have to make some tough decisions in the coming days. I want to take a moment to highlight a few players who aren’t talked about as much, but will either be playing for a spot with the Bears, a spot on another team or maybe even more playing time during the regular season. These three players are all in fairly different situations at the moment, so let’s dive in.