Chicago Cubs: Why everyone should love Javier Baez

(Photo by Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images)
(Photo by Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images)
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If you love the game of baseball, you should love Chicago Cubs star second baseman Javier Baez. Simple as that.

I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but I am, quite unfortunately, a Chicago White Sox fan. I know: laugh it up if you want. As such, I never made a habit of following the Chicago Cubs much, even when Sammy Sosa was slugging home runs and the Cubs would have that odd season or two when they looked like they were actually one of the best teams in baseball.

Even now that they are consistently one of the best in baseball, I still can’t say I’m a huge fan of the team necessarily, though watching them succeed is fun.

But I’ll tell you one thing: I personally cannot get enough of watching Javier Baez play baseball. Or writing about it, apparently.

Maybe it’s the fact that he’s ridiculously fun to watch seemingly no matter what he’s doing.

Perhaps it’s because he plays the game with such an interesting combination of smarts and a flair for the dramatic.

Hey: maybe it’s the Puerto Rican thing (represent!).

Truthfully, it’s some mix of all of the above and other stuff that you just can’t really pin down.

Anyway, Chicago Cubs fans love this guy. I love this guy. And if you’re a fan of baseball, you should love him, too.

Here are just three reasons why Baez is awesome and you should become a fan (if you aren’t already one) right now.