Chicago sports top ten moments of 2015

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Credit: David Banks-USA TODAY Sports

The Chicago Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup…again

In the 28 seasons covering 1933 through 1960, the Chicago Blackhawks won three Stanley Cup championships. Then they took the next forty-eight years off without winning any.

Then, in 2009, something happened (most notably Bill Wirtz was not around). The Blackhawks won the Cup, and suddenly they could not resist the taste of championship champagne.

In six short seasons between 2009-10 and 2014-15, the Blackhawks won three titles. That includes the most recent one.

After spending decades as an afterthought not only in Chicago but also the NHL, the Blackhawks are now a powerhouse hockey team, one that other clubs are trying to emulate.

They have two of the biggest stars in the sport, Patrick Kane and Jonathan Toews. They also have some other players that are stars as well, like Patrick Sharp and Corey Crawford.

The Blackhawks are now reaching the championship level of the 1990’s Chicago Bulls. Titles are now expected from them.

Now, while the current set of Bulls tease their fans while ultimately coming away with no titles, and the White Sox and Bears mired in mediocrity, the Blackhawks make us look forward to winning at least one title a year. With the Cubs now looking to show their championship chops, fans of Chicago sports now have another team to bestow high expectations.

Watching a ticker tape parade and a rally at Grant Park is something Chicago fans love to do. The Blackhawks have given them plenty of that over the past several seasons, holding down the fort until the other Chicago sports teams follow suit.

Next: The Kids Grew Up Right Before Our Very Eyes